Thursday, March 17, 2016

1° better than 360°

" But even on those better days, I can’t help but hold the hopeful thought that the world they have inherited – a world without inheritance, without past, future, or deepest cares – is about to come tumbling down, and that this collapse would be the true beginning of a real education." Patrick Deneen, Seems like this guy wants his student learn and know everything. According to what Ive read, he thinks that if we keep studying of the outside of everything we will all fail at keeping the knowledge and teaching next generation eventually. Ok sir, what are we learning at school right now is more of the ability of listen and memorize "knowledge". And what we actually learn at school now is just the general knowledge of the things we need to know. To actually keeping the knowledge from the generation before we cant just know the very basic of every subject. We need to actually know and learn deep into the subject. That has to be the thing that you are interested in. Once you study this one subject to a Master level , you will have the ability to teach this to the next generation, that's how you keep the knowledge going. NOT by one person that knows everything which is pretty impossible. And I'm pretty sure that there are enough people to be interesting in most subject that they will be the master of it. So why bother to learn all those unneeded stuff which you won't even use it more than once in the rest of your life? What's wrong by just memorizes them right now and to use it right now? Be good at one direction is better than know everything but only the skin part of it. And what I think is, in now days, actually not only now days, in every era, Getting to know a new tech is always more interesting than to learn a old Newton Formula. And in now days, creating new tech is more needed than creating more knowledge, because we gotta use our current knowledge at it max then extent or knowledge, just like go refill your drink after you finish it, or it's just waste or the old knowledge.

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