Friday, February 19, 2016

I really don't know how to name this one

     This is just something i see while im growing up. Before i even notice this ive become someone that i don't even know anymore. It happened a couple month ago and i don't know how it just came to me, maybe because im trying to get a high grade on this one so my memory came in clutch to help. Anyway, that day during lunch time we went off to Walmart to get something to eat. After we parked our car we started walking to the shop. When we walked past by a lady with her car's trunk opend and was struggling to put her mom's electric wheelchair in it. She look at us and said "Excuse me, can you guys help me with it?". Two of my friend went to help and then we kept on walking. And one of my friend asked me "why didn't you help?youre bigger than both of us" I stucked for sec and said this, "Because im afraid... afraid of getting fraud, what if that electric wheelchair was broken already and she blame it on us?" Right after i said that,I felt like an "Ahole"...

     I was the kinda of man that willing to stop a fight even get hurt;i would go save a drowned person without a second hesitation, but what did i do there? i was running away, from a lady that needs my help... what happened to me i wondered. Well, everything has a reason itself, not like im trying to find excuse for this but it is how things works. The reason behind this and what changed me hapened when was when i was still in China, I was walking on the side walk by a street, it was near the central of Beijing and it was in the after noon around 5pm, so there was a lot of people. And when i was about to walk across street, a real old looking man suddenly fall down in the middle of the street, and started yelling for help to help him get up. But i saw everyone that walked past him didn't give a crap about him they just kept on walking. So i ran to him, and when i got there and about to ask what's going on, he grabbed my leg and started saying it was me pushed him down and ill have to pay for his medical and mental damages cost. I was shocked... Competely shock by what just happened. I didn't know what to do so i kicked him off me and ran away. When i got home i told this to my family and they told me to never do this again, recently theres a lot of frauds that does this.

     After that, I started ignore people that asking for help, i went from the guy that wanted to be a hero to the guy that running away from all this happend in front me. But every time when this appeared to me and every time i ignore this, i feel my moral got chipped away bit by bit. What life have turn me into? i don't know, but all i know so far is that, It's not easy to be a "good guy" in now days's society. And i never realized that since when did people started getting afraid to help a old person across a steet, Why do "good guy" has to PAY for the good thing he had done? why can't we just keep the morality standard as always. OR was this what morality is from the beginning? Maybe i was just "too young too simple", but for the side of morality, i would like it to be just as simple as it can gets because, you don't want to see a little kid laguhing at your morality level do you?

Friday, February 12, 2016

Chosen to be addict to smoke?

  Recently, the CDC has released a new recommendation that women of childbearing age abstain from alcohol from age 15 to 44. So many female members felt offended and saying that this is not fair to them. "Why doesn't this apply to man?" well... Man's not gonna carry a baby inside of him and walking around smoke stuff, unless you can get him pregnant which is pretty impossible right now, maybe alone the growing of the gay society, one day this might become true. Anyway, even though man can not get pregnant, but still got the equally responsibility to the baby that inside of his wife. While the lady taking care of the baby inside of her the man should try out his best to create the best surroundings. However, when the man does his best, if you as the mother misbehave, that won't end up too well with the new life thats gonna come to this world. 

  According to my research, during the time of pregnancy, if the mother smokes then the probability of their children to become a smoker are as twice as the non smoke's. Because when the baby get in touch with nicotine, something in their head will change a bit, will lead them to become a smoker when they grow up. also, after the birth of the baby, if the mom smokes alot, then the nicotine will effect their breast milk and lead to the same result to the baby. So i don't find too much to augur about with this recommendation consider the health of those new born babies. But there's one point i want to make, for those who said or think this is very unfair for them to have this recommendation. Are you considering yourself more then the new born child inside of you? Can i understand that as you are not ready to take the responsibility of a Mother? You can't sacrifice this bit of "Joy" for you baby then how can you be the role model of your children?

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Mother of hero but hero

First of all for whoever are reading this paper, please don't take this offensive. It's just the way i understanding this as a 18 year old, it might change over time but this is what i think about this right now.

"The Pentagon announced that all positions in the military would be open women" As far as i know, the trend of the world about man and women is trying to be equal, but from the characteristics of women,I think woman really is not that suitable for battlefield, we should let women walk away from wars, a woman can become the mother of a hero, but not the hero on the field.

First, from what i know and the most common sense about war is that you'll have to physically fight it, so what that tells me is it requires not only mentally strong but physically strong. It's not me saying that women are weak physically, it's just women and men are in many aspects of physical difference. Just like i believe that in all the competitive sports, there is a reason why men and women are separated. Even in sports they separate them,  So not even has to mention in WARS. 

Second, the war to endure things that are cruel and no one would believe in tears. You can get wounded real easy, Arms and legs would be "flying around". When it's happened, it will be painful on the outside body and might also leaves a scare mentally forever inside. And for women, i think the only "memorable pain" for them is when they bring the new life to this world.

Again, once women are on the battlefield front line, they are oftenlly not be seen as rivals and soldiers, but as the spoils of war, as the victim for their violence. 

Finally, a lot of history does appear "strange" woman, joined the arm and became the elites, and be famous everwhere, like Chinese Mulan, MU, Western Joan of Arc, the Soviet Union Zoya and Shura ...... but this are all pretty much the outcome of “Propaganda” to show people that how equal this world is and how women can do the same as man in the war. For this topic, im not completely against, i think women should have the right to go into the war to help, but just not the very front line. And not HAVE to, but WANT to. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


"Why does that matter to law-abiding gun owners? Because they’re the ones who anti-gun politicians and the media blame when criminals misuse guns. We need to bring back and expand programs like Project Exile and get gang members and drug dealers off the street. When we do, crime will go down and our cities and communities will be safer places to live." Find from Trump's page, I like how he went to the base reason of why do those people want to own guns. Not only because of the self-control and self defense. But them self want to have guns. So when the issue comes out, they'll have no right to yell out about how it's the gun control's fault. 

“Our personal protection is ultimately up to us. That’s why I’m a gun owner, that’s why I have a concealed carry permit, and that’s why tens of millions of Americans have concealed carry permits as well." Comes to the end, it's still the thing that people tried to do for them self, but only when it's benefit you. The "concealed carry permit" is not just for you to say you can have a gun and just shot around or kill. It's only for the defense of yourself, when you get the permit, you should've already known about this. It's only good when it's good for you, So if you've said yes to this, don't now come back and complain about it.