Monday, October 12, 2015

The choice is yours.

   Years ago, those who got deadly disease, such as late period cancer. Th y will just die in like one or two month. But now with our current technology and medical equipment, we can keep them alive for one or couple more years, but they are still gonna die. Well, everyone is dying, even at these very moment, we are dying. However, there is a different between pure dying and “SUFFERING”. When we put all the medical equipment stuff on the patients, they might can be able to live for like a couple more month or years, but they might not going to be able to talk, walk, or remember any stuff. Even though they nearly lost their instincts can still feel the PAIN. What happens when their body felt the pain? They might yell, might cry, might twitch, might... When it comes to this point, they already lost their life ability, lost their memory and lost their Dignity. In a very cruel way to look at them, they are just “living zombies”, the only thing that can keep them being “zombies”, is death. What if those “who” were your parents, your relatives or someone thats really close to you, would you just watch them suffering the pain days and days years and years? For me, I won’t, I can never watching my parents or my relatives just suffering in bed days over days and lying to them “you will get better soon” when knowing that they will be dead for sure. 

   When we talked about during my civics class, one of my classmate pulled out a interesting thought about this topic, “As a Christian, I know if i agreed with my parents just to do Euthanasia and end their suffering here. They will end up going to hell and suffer for eternity. I will never let that happen.”Even though I am not a Christian, I’m still agreeing with her thought, because everyone has their right to believe in the stuff that they believes because of that no one knows the truth about what happens when people dies expect those who already dead. If I know death through euthanasia will leading my parents to hell and suffering forever, i won’t let them either. But for my personal opinion, God is the outcome of human’s loneliness, because after someone does something wrong or afraid of some thing thats going to happen, they want to have a reliable person to stay with them, to help them and share their loneliness, but human can never trust another man completely because we are humans thats how it is. You ever had something that happened to you or something you have done that you can’t even tell your “Best Friend”,your “Boy/girl friend or even your wife/husband”? Well, Yes you might can say that “I can 100% trust my parents”, i will give you that but you have to realize that there will be one day they will leave you eventually, who are you gonna trust when that time comes? Everyone has their own God, I do too, i think he helps me, i pray to him all the time wish that he can help me with everything. But maybe because i did not grow up under a christian environment so i have never read a bible or had someone preached to me about God about Christian to me, or maybe i would be a christian right now. (no offense to anyone, just personal opinion)

   Back to the Euthanasia problem. Jerry Brown, who had cancer himself, allowed the assisted suicide in California.and before he allowed this,He said that before making this decision he considered both moral and religious arguments. I think this is not a deadly wrong thing because of that it is not against any religions, its “allowed” not “forced”. It’s just gave a opportunity to those extreme cases that i was talking about earlier. From my own believe, I do agree with this.

1 comment:

  1. Spike, this is definitely your voice. Probably your best writing yet. You make a lot of points. Good job.
