Wednesday, November 18, 2015

        My thought China Using Prisoners’ Organs for Transplants. Since they are using those prisoner's organs (death penalty's) to save other people's live after the penalty. I think it's not a bad thing for them because of they can actually do something helpful to repay their sin. But doing this without their agreement is just wrong. Some people think that they wont have a complete body in their next life if they do that. So they should not do it even they have a death penalty. They still have the right to chose. But still, If they you can save another life with your dead life, why not?

Monday, November 16, 2015

Attaque de Paris

        Once we've got a idea of "we can believe in whatever" "whatever we believe is right". Well, no matter what we believe, there is a standard for things, and the standard is not what we believe. It's humanity. It's what make human human. It is what make us unique. We can think uniquely more than just doing indistinctly. But it doesnt mean you can do whatever you want to just because of you believe it. Human are social animals. We live as a group. There we have the rule of majority. We listen to the majority. We do what majority agree with. When the majority are following humanity but not believes, we should go with humanity. But lately there was a group of people, ISIS, are trying to overthrow the  rule of majority by violently making everyone believe in what they are believing. Honestly what my thought about it is that's just rude from every view, First, it's just not right to kill people... second, more than killing is that they are trying to delete one of our human ability. We can believe in whatever we want is because of that we can think uniquely. If they try to force people to think the same to believe the same. They are just wipe of a part of humanity. I don't think that's a good idea. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

The choice is yours.

   Years ago, those who got deadly disease, such as late period cancer. Th y will just die in like one or two month. But now with our current technology and medical equipment, we can keep them alive for one or couple more years, but they are still gonna die. Well, everyone is dying, even at these very moment, we are dying. However, there is a different between pure dying and “SUFFERING”. When we put all the medical equipment stuff on the patients, they might can be able to live for like a couple more month or years, but they might not going to be able to talk, walk, or remember any stuff. Even though they nearly lost their instincts can still feel the PAIN. What happens when their body felt the pain? They might yell, might cry, might twitch, might... When it comes to this point, they already lost their life ability, lost their memory and lost their Dignity. In a very cruel way to look at them, they are just “living zombies”, the only thing that can keep them being “zombies”, is death. What if those “who” were your parents, your relatives or someone thats really close to you, would you just watch them suffering the pain days and days years and years? For me, I won’t, I can never watching my parents or my relatives just suffering in bed days over days and lying to them “you will get better soon” when knowing that they will be dead for sure. 

   When we talked about during my civics class, one of my classmate pulled out a interesting thought about this topic, “As a Christian, I know if i agreed with my parents just to do Euthanasia and end their suffering here. They will end up going to hell and suffer for eternity. I will never let that happen.”Even though I am not a Christian, I’m still agreeing with her thought, because everyone has their right to believe in the stuff that they believes because of that no one knows the truth about what happens when people dies expect those who already dead. If I know death through euthanasia will leading my parents to hell and suffering forever, i won’t let them either. But for my personal opinion, God is the outcome of human’s loneliness, because after someone does something wrong or afraid of some thing thats going to happen, they want to have a reliable person to stay with them, to help them and share their loneliness, but human can never trust another man completely because we are humans thats how it is. You ever had something that happened to you or something you have done that you can’t even tell your “Best Friend”,your “Boy/girl friend or even your wife/husband”? Well, Yes you might can say that “I can 100% trust my parents”, i will give you that but you have to realize that there will be one day they will leave you eventually, who are you gonna trust when that time comes? Everyone has their own God, I do too, i think he helps me, i pray to him all the time wish that he can help me with everything. But maybe because i did not grow up under a christian environment so i have never read a bible or had someone preached to me about God about Christian to me, or maybe i would be a christian right now. (no offense to anyone, just personal opinion)

   Back to the Euthanasia problem. Jerry Brown, who had cancer himself, allowed the assisted suicide in California.and before he allowed this,He said that before making this decision he considered both moral and religious arguments. I think this is not a deadly wrong thing because of that it is not against any religions, its “allowed” not “forced”. It’s just gave a opportunity to those extreme cases that i was talking about earlier. From my own believe, I do agree with this.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Who should we OBEY

 Recently there is a lady who suddenly appeared in everyones vision, shes on every newspaper, every news channel and radio, Kim Davis. What did she do? What made her became on the top of the fire? The reason is simple, she just refused to give out some paper work, but those paper work brought up a huge issue: between religion and government, who should we obey? The paper work that she refused to gave out is the marriage licenses for gay couples. Because that her religion tells her that its not right for the same sex people to get married. This end up she got sent to jail. The judge said this to her when he sent her: “The court cannot condone the willful disobedience of its lawfully issued order. If you give people the opportunity to choose which orders they follow, that's what potentially causes problems." After think about what he said there, its actually a wise decision, there are many religion out there in the world, each of them have the different believes, what if theres some religion believes that killing is the right thing to do? Or drug is a good thing because of their religion saids so? What should the court do about it? Allow it? So i think what he said its right, also that conservative commentator Linda Chavez — who agreed that Davis is wrong – saying there is a substantial amount of religious people in the U.S. and you are going to have to bring them along slowly
 But from another point look at this, because that before Kim got her job there wasnt a law says that gay marriage is allowed, because as a county clerk, she must knew that giving out licenses for married couple is a part of her job. Maybe if the law of gay marriage is allowed was appeared before she got this job, things would be different. However, even tho it is a part of her job, she could easily to make other people do it for her, but she stood up for her faith, her religion against the law, so maybe it is God that tried to use her and through her to tell people what is the right thing to do. Standing up for your religion is good, but there are so many religion out there and all of them believe in different rules. Everyone lives under the same standard, thats what will bring everyone alone.  

Saturday, August 29, 2015

My confusion about Transgender


         There is a part of transgender that really confuses me, is that no matter according to science or creation, the purpose of different gendersdifferent sexes are for the race multiply, so we can keep our race, our world alive. According to my researches, transgenders can not provide the ability for making a new life, basically they can not make babies. However, they chose to give up on one of their most important function, and even have to go through a extremely painful process just to get to be the one they wanted to be, thats quite interesting to me.
      So I went online and read a couple of the articles that written by some actual transgenders. One of them talked about all the process that he has been through. He said that if youve decided to be a transgender, you will have to go through three steps. First, youll have to eat a lot hormone everyday and the second step is wear women clothes, and the last step is to do plastic surgery and remove the man part and body hairs. But he said all this processes were long and painful but that was actually the easy part. The hardest part of being a transgender is that not everyone is JinXing,(a transgender, famous chinese dance star) When he wearing girls dress and walk on the street, no one would look at him(her) as a common women, and when he meets new people and started a new life. He has to hide everything that has happened in the past. If he accidently let the people around him know that he is actually a transgender, he will have to leave the place because no one will even talk to him anymore. 
  Why would they endure all this just to be a transgender? After my research, i got tons of the answers to this question, some of them say that because they were a girl but they just accidently born in a boys form, some of them say that they just want to see what is being a girl or a boy feels like. Well, i dont reallt understand this, God made you a boy why cant you just live like one? Why would you suffer through all those medical stuff just to be different, and to challenge God? I admit that when people sees you and they would think that oh thats a girl, because thats just the out looking, but i dont think God made us that simple, we cant just become a completely different person just through some surgeries.  
  One of the article said this As long as we are happy we can do anything we want. Yes, we can, but everything we do has a cost, when you are doing this transgender thing you will also has a influence on others, what will your children think? Maybe they will be like oh if i hate my gender i can just go change it.At that time, the cost of transgender will not only be a few cut on your face or some medications you will have to take. It will eventually become a issue that everyone has to think about, and will you still be the happy guy that cost all this?   

Friday, August 21, 2015



       Speaking of planned parenthood, the first thought come in mind is that it brings up apportion. People hate it but government is supporting it, why? Because some people think that apportion is great solution to those who r poor or cant have a healthy baby. And some people think that apportion is also a way for them to turn back on their sins, they might didnt control their desires and accidentally got a baby. So they choose to use this way to run away from their responsibility which is apportion. Killing the life they created and forget about it. So they made the little one sacrificed because they sinned. IS THAT FAIR?    
          My personal opinion about apportion is maybe sometimes is better for a new life come to the world and just to suffer though all the illness and pain, but for the others, apportion is still killing, even tho the law doesnt say it but it is. It is a actual life from the very first day. Killing is mostly wrong, no one from the beginning has already deserved it. I suggest that people should all try to control ur own desire and dont make others sacrifice for your misbehavior.
         However, that was just my personal opinion, I dont think its right doesnt means that other people will think the same, theres never absolute right or wrong cuz everyone has their own understanding of things and everyone has their own standard of things, there only agree and disagree, but for the other part that planned parenthood reflects, I vote agree.
          I am a exchange student from China, as u know, china is a country that has a enormous number of population. 1.4 billion, thats almost 20% of the whole world. So for that, we had a law of birth control which is every family can only have one child. Well, people has needs when they started breathe, we need food, need water, need a place to live, need a school to get educated... But as we all know that, earth's resources r limited. Just like in the movie "interstellar" tells us that if we used it all and dosent give it enough time to reproduce, we will have to find another planet to live, but with our current tech, thats pretty much impossible. Just like the earth, China's resources are limited as well, at some point theres might not be enough food, water or place to live for everyone, So birth control stopped the rapid growth  of China's population, even tho theres still a lot of people but at least we dont have to worry about resources for a while now.
        Just like what i said b4, We cant say if the whole planned parenthood thing is right or wrong because there will always be people disagreeing with you, so what i can do is just to tell everyone that try your best to control urself, do your best and dont make others sacrifice for your problem.